Home» Hollywood Heights Season 1 Episode 1

Hollywood Heights Season 1 Episode 1

Hollywood Heights (TV series) - Wikipedia. Hollywood Heights is an American family drama, which aired on Nick at Nite and Teen. Nick from June 1. October 5, 2. 01. EST through October. Eddie, meanwhile, is not happy with the direction his career has taken—toward shallow pop music rather than the soulful material he prefers. But with Loren's cool single mom Nora (Jama Williamson) and sassy best friend Melissa (Ashley Holliday) egging her on, she enters and wins Eddie's own songwriting contest, and worlds collide.

As Loren is increasingly dazzled by (and welcomed into) Eddie's celebrity world, he is realizing how unhappy he is, trapped in a machine of his own making and at the mercy of his many fans and demanding manager Jake (Brandon Bell). Meanwhile, Loren and Melissa navigate the intrigues of high school life and mean girl Adriana (Hunter King); Melissa's brother Phil (Robert Adamson) gets mixed up with the wrong people; Eddie's father, 1. Max Duran (Carlos Ponce), hopes to end his son's relationship with the duplicitous climber Chloe (Melissa Ordway), who is cheating on Eddie with the ambitious Tyler (Justin Wilczynski). She is intelligent and hardworking, but struggles to decide between following her dreams or going to college. Everything changes when she wins Eddie Duran's songwriting contest.

Eddie Duran (Cody Longo). He is often caught between the music and the business, but still holds onto traces of his youthful spark. He was engaged to model Chloe Carter, but he broke it off due to her constant lying. His mother, Katy Duran, was killed in a hit- and- run car accident, which unbeknownst to Eddie, was caused by Chloe and Tyler.

Hollywood Heights Season 1 Episode 15

Latest News from Vulture 4:28 p.m. Revisiting the Comics Story That Redefined Wonder Woman. It was written and drawn by one of the comics medium’s greats, George.

Hollywood Heights Season 1 Episode 11

Hollywood Heights Season 1 Episode 1

He is a mentor to Loren Tate, but as their work progresses his feelings for her grow. Eventually, he admitted he's in love with Loren, and is now her boyfriend. Chloe Carter (Melissa Ordway). Eddie breaks things off when he discovers her affair with Tyler Rorke; she is determined to get Eddie back and tear down Loren Tate. It is later revealed she and Tyler were the ones who caused the accident that killed Eddie's mother, Katy Duran. Tyler Rorke (Justin Wilczynski). His unsuccessful career has left him bitter and jealous of Eddie Duran's growing fame, and wanting to upset the rockstar's seemingly perfect life.

During Eddie's performance, Loren is elated when his eyes meet hers. After the show, she sends him a lyric she wrote that catches his attention. Chloe sets Tyler. Prev Next Complete Series Coverage One of the flaws in House of Cards' first season was that it took a little time for all the ugly plot machinations to get going. HBO's official website contains schedule information, original video content, episode guides, polls, bulletin boards, and more!

Hollywood Heights Season 1 Episode 16

At the end of the season, he abandons Chloe, claiming that it is better for both of them if they never see each other again. Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday).

Although Melissa has had issues with her mother and brother for most of her life, she and her father get along well. Her mother is constantly comparing her to her brother, and until later in the season, she is always bringing Melissa down. It is later revealed that her aunt Beth is actually her biological mother. She is dating Adam, but is afraid of losing him in the fall because he got into school in New York.

Nora Tate (Jama Williamson). She helps guide her daughter through the struggles of high school and a budding music career. As a single mom, Nora tries to stay as close to her daughter's life as possible, without smothering her creativity and spirit. Even while dealing with her own complicated career and love life, Loren is her first priority. She has a secret love life with Max Duran. At the end of season one he is dating and living with her.

Max Duran (Carlos Ponce). Most of the time he and Eddie have a great relationship, even when he doesn't see eye- to- eye with the management surrounding his son. He opened a new nightclub, hoping it could be a new beginning for himself, leaving the fandom and fame to Eddie. Nora brings out the best in him and he enjoys her company. Adam (Nick Krause). As well as being a great support system for Loren and her rapidly growing fame, he is Melissa's devoted and thoughtful boyfriend who loves her with all his heart. He got accepted into NYU, his dream college.

He wants Melissa to come but she's not sure what Lisa and Gus will say. Jackie Kowalski (Daphne Ashbrook). Chloe previously told everyone that her mother was dead, while, in fact, she simply lived in another part of California before moving in with Chloe later in the first season. She later moves back to Fresno to live with her when her plan fails.

Jake Madsen (Brandon Bell). His life tends to revolve around all things Eddie and the entertainment business, which leaves him little time to spend with his wife, Traci.

He continuously battles to find a balance between the Hollywood lifestyle and his family life, but after kissing his co- worker and wife's best friend, Kelly he acts strange and ends up lying to his wife. In the end of the season Traci leaves Jake. Traci Madsen (Shannon Kane). She constantly needs to keep her husband's Hollywood lifestyle in check, and remind him that his personal life matters too. It's sometimes a struggle to keep his focus at home, especially when his attentions become even more divided by other interests especially since her father ended up in the hospital after a heart attack.

She suspects Kelly and Jake did something while she was gone. Traci leaves Jake and goes back to Chicago to start her new job. Don Masters (Grayson Mc. Watch Battle In Seattle Online IMDB. Couch). He owns the private clinic where Nora and Ellie work together.

He tends to mix business with pleasure. Killed in an explosion inside his clinic. Adriana Masters (Hunter King). She dates Melissa's brother, Phil, who helps take her mind off her issues with her father, Don. She believes that Eddie's song writing contest was rigged, and thinks that Loren does not deserve any of the fame and attention she has been receiving from both Eddie and the press after winning the competition. She also has a plan to work with Chloe to take down Loren forever. She is pregnant and wants to keep the baby.

In the season one finale, she and Phil become engaged. Phil Sanders (Robert Adamson). His sister, Melissa, sees right through his troublemaking, but his mother sees him as the perfect model of a child. His constant law- breaking lands him in trouble with his boss, Colorado, as well as the L. A. He is dating Adriana, got her pregnant and is now engaged to her. Kelly (Yara Martinez). After demonstrating to Jake, who becomes her new boss, that she has talent in managing young stars, she goes about taking Loren's career into her own hands.

Gus Sanders (Brian Letscher). As the father to Melissa and Phil, he's got his hands full trying to keep the peace between everyone, while also hanging on to a secret that could disrupt his already tense home life. Lisa Sanders (Meredith Salenger). Keeping a harmonious home life proves to be difficult – especially when a part of her past threatens to come back to haunt them all. Ellie Moss (Merrin Dungey). She’s pleasant and funny when things are going well for her, but can become high strung and needy when she feels threatened or used. She leaves Don to die in the clinic moments before it explodes, and gets arrested for it.

Recurring. He becomes an unfortunate role model to Phil, who comes to him looking for a job. Osborne Silver (James Franco). He asks her to tutor him in physics to get her attention and later develops strong feelings for her, but soon realizes that Loren prefers Eddie over him. They remain friends. Ian (Eric Tiede) is Eddie's photographer best friend who tries to get Eddie to loosen up and go clubbing after he and Chloe break up. Grace (Brianne Davis) is a close friend of Max's who manages his bar and restaurant, Max's Place. Daphne Miller (Josie Davis) is an old friend of Max's who had a hit song back in the 1.

Chloe asks her to keep Max Duran busy to keep him out of her love life, since Max disapproves of Eddie's relationship with her. Steven (Joe Reegan) is Jake's assistant and later Kelly's roommate. Beth (Megan Follows) is Lisa's estranged sister and Melissa's real mother. She and Melissa both share an interest in photography. Kim (Kelli Goss) is Adriana's friend to whom she confides her secrets and feelings.

Lia and Jeremy (Danielle Savre and Colby Paul) are a sister and brother who lost their parents and are struggling to survive.

The Leftovers Review: Season 3 Premiere, Episode 1, The Book of Kevin. Sarah could be Nora in the future, living under a new identity in the post- rapture world. Sarah could be Nora’s long lost twin and a descendant of the cult member who climbed onto her roof, repeatedly, at the beginning of the episode. Sarah could be anyone, really, but we’ll only know for sure when the creators decide we should. So let’s let the mystery be, for now, and dig into an episode loaded with fresh information — and incredible passion. READ MORE: . The shot earlier in the episode — of Kevin watching her ride off into Jarden — did show us the bike she used to collect doves in Australia.)Fresh Facts: 1. Fulfilling a prophecy first offered in Season 1, the federal government stepped in and took out the scariest white walkers on TV.

A gas leak is the only way to explain killing American citizens who, technically, hadn’t hurt anyone, and that’s exactly what Kevin recounted to his son when pressed about their part in the assassinations of Meg and Evie. It was both a fitting and shocking end for the devious minds behind the plot to overthrow Miracle, and one that provided a perfect opportunity to jump into the future.

READ MORE: . John and Laurie’s Non- Profit, and. Tommy stuck around to become a cop, just like his papa and grandpappy before him. Matt has taken over the church, and his congregation is out of control — in part, at least, thanks to Kevin opening up Miracle to everyone, no wristband required.

But the biggest shock of the time shift — aside from the fact they haven’t filled in the three- year- old crater made by the missile that blew up the GR — was learning that John and Laurie aren’t only in business together, but are getting married. First, can we just talk about Laurie’s attraction to damaged men? Whoever Tommy’s biological dad is the biggest deadbeat/worst choice, but Kevin was a rough next step, given how repressed his emotions were at the time. Now she’s with John, an ex- con sent to prison for attempted murder who three years ago was burning down people’s houses and shooting Kevin in the chest?

Methinks the therapist may be a bit too obsessed with her patients. As to John’s palm- reading gig, this makes perfect sense (in a wonderfully “Leftovers” way) and points to why Laurie would be into the new John. He’s paying his penance for what he did in Season 2, providing the same service the “real” palm reader did, but without accepting a single dollar in payment. That would mean he’s profiting off of his past sins, rather than making up for them as best he can. The Book of Kevin. To be clear, Kevin is not Jesus. No one is saying he’s Jesus.

They’re just saying his life is worth chronicling, preserving, and studying in relation to the unknown. He has a unique connection to the afterlife no one else does (that we know of), and Matt, Michael, and John’s book is meant to convey that by telling his story. Does Matt get a little carried away? That’s all he does. But what’s in the book frightens Kevin because he does not understand it, and what he doesn’t understand cannot be explained; not even by Laurie.

Kevin has always struggled psychologically. He’s lived in fear of becoming his father and being shipped off to the looney bin.

But the events of Season 2 forced him to take his visions seriously, and he’s clearly still wrestling with how real his experiences were. After all, when he was talking to Dean about dogs infiltrating the United States government, his mind flashed back to shoving little girl Patti into the well. There’s a connection there to him; a doubt similar to anyone who believes in something that cannot be explained. And he’s going to have to face that doubt head- on before October 1.

Big Questions: 1. Where is Lily?– This is a big deal. Nora and Kevin’s baby, given to them by Tommy and fathered by Holy Wayne, is nowhere to be found, and Jill makes a point of asking Kevin if Nora ever talks about her. Something happened. Where is Erika?– The only major cast member missing from Tommy’s non- surprise party is John’s ex- wife, and while we can assume it would be awkward for them both to be there, we hope this doesn’t mean she’s distanced from both families. She and Nora had a special bond, to say the least, and Regina King is such an incredible talent, we’d hate if she’s gone for good.

Will we ever see Jill again?– Jill’s parting words to Kevin were meant as a joke, but there was an ominous quality about her appearance and departure. Plus, with her spending time at college, it might be harder to tie her life into those in Jarden. Perhaps that goodbye was a bit more relevant than either of them knew.

Who’s distributing those flyers?– If it’s not flyer- loving Matt, then who’s printing those things? Odds seem high they’re connected to whoever drew the skywriting at episode’s end, but that’s the only other clue we have to go on. Is Evie alive?– No. We’re comfortable answering that for you, John.

No, she is not. The dental records are conclusive evidence, whether you believe it or not. Why is Kevin suffocating himself?– Is he going back to the hotel? Is he testing his powers? Is he looking for someone? Or is he just damaged, and needs the rush? Who’s Sarah?– Yea, OK, we already went over this. But seriously: Who the fuck is Sarah?

The Purpose Behind the Pain. Just like Season 1, Season 2, and most season premieres in general, “The Book of Kevin” was focused on establishing arcs. Season 1 introduced the sudden departure.

Season 2 provided a possible follow- up when Evie disappeared. Season 3 has given us a ticking time bomb: October 1. Bible (and anywhere else) for significance in a seven- year anniversary. Even though it may seem like we have more questions after the hour began than when it ended, there’s a much clearer picture of what the final season of “The Leftovers” will look like. The questions shape the narrative, and our eagerness to have them answered drives curiosity for the remaining seven episodes. READ MORE: What Makes TV ? Damon Lindelof, Aya Cash, The Cast of .

This episode was a largely lighthearted hour of TV, other than Dean attacking Kevin, Tommy shooting him, and the immensely painful introduction. Kevin needs to ask himself the questions he’s afraid to answer as much as we need to know what happens to the Garveys. But Kevin doesn’t know why we’re going through this either, and people are looking to him for answers: John, Matt, and us, the audience. In a way, he’s already answered our questions: By sacrificing mind and body on a journey of self- discovery, we’ve learned so much from Kevin about priorities, regret, acknowledgement, passion, and courage.

It’d be hard to watch Season 2 and not realize something profound about yourself. But belief is an ongoing struggle, and Season 3 seems determined to go further down the rabbit hole.

How Kevin (and Nora, Matt, et al) accounts for his own doubts, worries, and fears in the coming weeks will dictate how we feel coming out of “The Leftovers.”Right now, we’re scared — just like Kevin. And that’s right where we need to be. Grade: A“The Leftovers” releases new episodes every Sunday at 9 p. Bonus: How Funny Was “The Leftovers” This Week?

Answer: Very. And that sandwich bit? Oh, Kevin, you’re so clever. Stay on top of the latest TV news! Sign up for our TV email newsletter here. Stay on top of the latest TV news!

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