Home» Gravity Falls Gideon Rises Full Episode

Gravity Falls Gideon Rises Full Episode

Gideon Gleeful ! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions! A sworn enemy of the Pines family, he serves as the series' main antagonist throughout Season 1, until his eventual defeat and incarceration in the last episode. He was largely absent from the first half of Season 2 but returned during the later part of the season. Despite being an enemy and antagonist throughout the majority of the show, he later realizes his former ways are wrong and is trying to restart his life as a good, regular kid.

Gravity Falls Gideon Rises Full Episode

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He is the star with an eye on the Zodiac. Hollywood Heights Season 1 Episode 1 here. They go to one of Gideon's shows at the Tent of Telepathy, even though Stan forbids them from doing so due to Gideon often causing him trouble.

  1. Opening theme "Gravity Falls Main Title Theme", composed by Brad Breeck: Composer(s) Brad Breeck: Country of origin: United States: Original language(s) English.
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He shows up at the Mystery Shack the next day, and asks her if she wants to go to his dressing room so they can perform makeovers on each other. Mabel accepts the offer. Gideon then reveals he wants to be more than friends with Mabel; however, she doesn't feel the same way. He manages to convince her to go on a date with him. At the date, he convinces her to go on yet another date with him, after announcing it to everyone at the restaurant they were dining at. Mabel really didn't want to, but many people in the restaurant expecting her to say . Gideon gives Toby.

Shandra's phone number. In exchange, Toby calls Dipper, telling him to go to Gideon's factory. Gideon confronts Dipper there and nearly kills him with his amulet and lamb shears. However, Mabel shows up to tell Gideon that she just wants to be friends, and she sees Gideon trying to kill Dipper. Mabel then formally breaks up with Gideon and uses the amulet to defeat him, destroying it afterwards.

Gideon is then seen backing up into the forest, saying . It is then shown that he owns Journal 2. He first tries to get Stan to sign over the Mystery Shack, but Stan is not fooled. He tries to set termites on the Shack, but Stan smashes the jar, and the termites go after Gideon's bat and his hair instead.

After failing twice, Gideon discovers Dipper's crystal flashlight, which can grow and shrink things. Watch Robsessed Online on this page. He shrinks the twins and brings them back to his house. He calls Stan and tells him he has the twins in his possession, but Stan doesn't believe him.

Deciding to use the flashlight to shrink Stan instead, Gideon heads over to the Shack while Dipper and Mabel escape. Gideon catches them again and shrinks Soos, believing he was Stan. He then corners Stan in the Maze of Mirrors. Dipper and Mabel tickle his armpit, immobilizing him and allowing the twins to take back the flashlight. Stan then teases and literally kicks Gideon out of the Shack.

His dad tells him he'll get his revenge one day, but Gideon angrily tells his dad that it's not just about revenge; he wants the Shack so he can find . He is even shown on a picture in the same scene in the same episode. Stan's efforts to get the spot back end in failure, even when he sneaks into the pool at night to sit on the deckchair until the pool opens; Gideon, having anticipated this tactic, reveals to Stan that he put glue on the chair. Watch The Usurer Online Forbes.

His plan fails, so Gideon resorts to Plan B; dynamite. He blows up the safe, takes the deed and has his father use a wrecking ball to destroy the Mystery Shack's sign. Upon stealing Journal 3 from Dipper, however, he discovers that there are 3 journals, and he pursues the Pines twins (who were forced to leave town around this time) in a giant robot under the assumption that Dipper kept the first one for himself. He catches them, attempting to reclaim Mabel as his bride, and almost succeeds. He is stopped at the last moment by Dipper, however, and the robot crashes after a brief skirmish in the control center. The scorned townsfolk turn on Gideon and arrest him, but not before Stan reclaims his deed and secretly steals journal 2 from Gideon in order to finish creating the machine in his secret laboratory. He is then sent to jail.

Fortunately for him, the inmates at the Gravity Falls jail love his psychic act and have been looking for a new leader. During the campaign, he communicates with his father from a screen in prison. When Bud starts falling behind in the race, Gideon decides to take control of his body with a spell from a page from Journal 2 he kept in his hair.

During the final debate, he reveals himself to Dipper and Mabel, and tries to blow them up with fireworks, but fails. His actions cause his father to lose the debate and the mayorship. Later, he rips a poster off the wall of his cell and draws an eye on the Zodiac, saying he's ready to make a deal with Bill.

However, Dipper manages to convince Gideon that Mabel would not love him should he not let the trio free her, and in the end, after being promised Dipper would tell Mabel what Gideon had done, he leads his inmates to fend off the oncoming minions of Bill Cipher. Bill tells Keyhole to bring Gideon to him.

He then tells Dipper how to undo the throne of human agony, which results in one of the residents knocking his cage down, setting him free for good. When Ford draws the Zodiac on the floor, Gideon is instructed to stand on the Tent of Telepathy sign. However, due to Stan and Ford's bickering, Bill's wheel does not work, and Gideon along with every other non- Pines is turned into a tapestry. Fortunately, Stan manages to destroy Bill by tricking him into going into his mind, allowing Ford to erase Stan's memory in order to wipe Bill from existence, which finally turned Gideon and the others back to normal. After Weirdmageddon ended, Gideon and his family came to Dipper and Mabel's 1. However, it seems like he still maintains a mischievous streak since he had his prison friends beat up a kid that made fun of him.

He uses his . It seems that he can be kind when he needs to be, as seen with most of his dates with Mabel. He speaks with a Southern American dialect. He is spoiled, ungrateful, bratty, selfish, and abusive toward his parents in ways such as throwing ice cream, yelling at them, making a fuss, and breaking lamps. His mother appears to fear him. He's also very vengeful, even to the point of trying to murder Dipper, Mabel and Stan in . He acknowledges he's been wrong in the way he's treated Mabel and decides to fight Bill and his army, even if he won't survive.

However, he does still indulge in over the top vengeance, as shown when he had members of his prison gang beat up a kid who had insulted him. He has an upturned nose, blue eyes and three freckles on each of his cheeks. He wears a baby blue suit, a black shirt, and an American flag pin on the left side of his collar, with brown, polished shoes. He wore a jade amulet on his bolo tie until Mabel destroyed it in . Underneath he wears a white frilled shirt with a yellow bow tie, he has a brown belt with a bull on it and white fancy boots. Despite his crush, Gideon seeks revenge on Mabel and her family (whom he views as the only thing standing between him and a successful relationship).

Gideon sees Dipper and the rest of his family as a threat to be dealt with, so as to get revenge, win Mabel's love, and seize control of the Mystery Shack and its secrets. Thus, he spends his free time plotting and executing complex schemes, none of which succeed. At the same time, Dipper dislikes Gideon just as much and is the frequent victim and stopper of his young enemy's evil plans. While Gideon just utilizes his father as a tool to help him reach his goals, Bud nonetheless loves his son and is willing to do much for him, seeing the boy as . Nevertheless, Bud remains loyal and loving to Gideon.

Gleeful trembles as her angry son plots. Due to her son's sinister and intimidating nature, Mrs.

Gleeful is submissive to Gideon and fears him, trembling at the mere sight of the young boy. Gideon lacks respect for her and treats her abusively. He likes having the ear of someone so powerful, but he hates the idea of being second- fiddle to someone more powerful than him. After his big break from prison is prevented in .

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