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Pro- EU Tory and Labour MPs unite to demand soft Brexit. Theresa May is facing a revived cross- party Remainer challenge to her tough stance on Brexit today. Senior Tories including Scottish leader Ruth Davidson have joined Labour figures in demanding a rethink, calling for 'free trade' to be put at the heart of Britain's looming negotiations with the EU. Former ministers Nicky Morgan, Anna Soubry and Alistair Burt warned that a softer approach was now the only way of getting a deal through parliament. Conservative grandee Lord Heseltine went further branded the commitment to 'hard' Brexit a 'cancer gnawing at the heart' of the party. And Labour MP Yvette Cooper said there was now no way a 'Tory cabal' could force through its will.  Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson, pictured right in Edinburgh following the election results, and ex- Education Secretary Nicky Morgan both suggested the government's Brexit stance must now be watered down Tory grandee Lord Heseltine went further and claimed that the election result meant Brexit may not happen at all.

Conquering Tory hero Ruth Davidson issues thinly-veiled attack on DUP over stance on gay rights as it is revealed the party's list of demands may include a soft Brexit. Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas newspaper. Includes news, sports, opinion, and local information. Senior Tories including Scottish leader Ruth Davidson have joined Labour figures in demanding a rethink, calling for 'free trade' to be put at the heart of Brexit talks.

Labour MP Yvette Cooper said the hung parliament meant Brexit negotiations could not be run by a 'Tory cabal'The catastrophic outcome of the election has effectively killed off Mrs May's hopes of negotiating with Brussels from a position of strength - and looks likely to cut short her time in power. Despite Labour still ending up a long way short of being able to form a government, Jeremy Corbyn has demanded the Tories give up power. He suggested today that another election soon would be a 'good thing', as a poll showed his party could win a rerun outright. But shadow chancellor John Mc. Donnell risked inflaming Labour's own tensions on the crucial European issue by insisting the UK must leave the single market. Ms Davidson has already hinted she will use her sway to influence the Brexit deal, and has insisted there needs to be wider consensus on the terms of leaving the EU. The 3. Tory star after increasing the party's Scottish seats by 1.

I want to ensure that we can look again at issues like Brexit which we know we are now going to have to get cross- party support for.'And move to a consensus within the country about what it means and what we seek to achieve as we leave.'In a hint at the approach she wanted, she added: 'It is about making sure that we put free trade at the heart of what it is we seek to achieve as we leave.'Theresa May went to church in Sonning, Berkshire today in the wake of her disastrous election result last week. Ruth Davidson opposes the stridently conservative social agenda of the DUP Ms Davidson is considered to have a more moderate rhetoric on Brexit in largely pro- EU Scotland which is at odds with May's stance until now and could herald a change of tack by the government. She said this morning: 'I've always spoken about how I want an open, rather than a closed Brexit, and that puts freedoms at the heart of what it is that we achieve here.'That's freedom to trade and our economic growth that I think has huge primacy. Brexit is a 'cancer gnawing at the heart of the Conservatives', says Heseltine Tory grandee Lord Heseltine opened another flank by suggesting Mrs May would now have to ditch the idea of 'hard' Brexit. He described the Europe issue as a 'cancer gnawing at the heart of the Conservative Party'.

Then on BBC's Radio 4, asked if the Government would last he said: 'No. It will not go immediately because there is no appetite for another general election and every party in the house will calculate in their own self- interest.'They know the government is weak, they know the economy is going to deteriorate and they know public opinion is going to change from one where they don't want an election to one where they are calling out for change.'So there will come a time when the opposition politicians will strike. In the meantime they will simply harry the government. We can look again at what we want to achieve as we leave the European Union, and I want to be involved in those discussions.'It comes amid reports that the Scottish Conservatives could get their own whip in the Commons to make sure that MPs from north of the border vote in line with their English and Welsh colleagues. One Tree Hill Season 3 Episode 16 Watch Online.

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But Ms Davidson has insisted that her new colleagues at Westminster will 'vote entirely as they believe they should'.  Without the dozen Scottish gains, Mrs May would almost certainly have been forced to resign and had the keys to Downing Street to Jeremy Corbyn. Instead she is close enough to a Commons majority to strike a deal with the socially conservative DUP. However, even then the margins are so small that she could find it difficult to pass the Great Repeal Bill - which is intended to transpose EU legislation on to the UK statute books. It was part of the reason why Mrs May called the snap Election, as she hoped to return with a larger majority and so avoid critical votes being lost. But now that the Conservatives have lost their majority in the Commons and are relying on the Democratic Unionist Party to keep the Government going, anti- Brexit campaigners are increasingly confident they can stop the law going through.

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron told The Mail on Sunday: 'The Great Repeal Bill is facing a long, hard battle and I plan to fight the Tories every step of the way.'Our rights and protections must not be eroded. I do not trust Theresa May on this and will work with anyone on a cross- party basis to stop her. 'The Government know they don't have the votes to get this through. My message to them is stark: you need to go back to the drawing board or face defeat.'Lord Wood, an adviser to Ed Miliband when he was Labour leader, wrote online: 'There is simply no way the staggering scope, complexity and sensitivities of the Great Repeal Bill can be navigated given the Election result.'But leading Brexiteers are adamant that any attempt to sabotage the Bill would fail.

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Veteran Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash said: 'Any attempt to frustrate or obstruct the Repeal Bill would be contrary to the will of the people at the referendum, and what people voted for in the General Election. Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, pictured after gaining three MPs at the election, has vowed to fight Brexit plans 'every step of the way''They can try to put down amendments but it doesn't look to me like they could get the votes to do it.'But Ms Davidson demanded the DUP's opposition to gay marriage and abortion must not dominate the new government after the electoral disaster. The public declaration she sought and was given assurances is a signal of the new strength of Ms Davidson within the Tory party and the weakness of Mrs May. Revealing a call with Mrs May on Friday evening, Ms Davidson told the BBC: 'I was fairly straightforward with her and I told her that there were a number of things that count to me more than party.'One of them is country, one of the others is LGBTI rights.'Former foreign office minister Mr Burt and ex- education secretary Ms Morgan said Brexit could only be agreed and delivered ifthe Conservative minority government built cross- party support behind a plan that would unite politicians and the country. DUP leader Arlene Foster, pictured left with Theresa May will be looking for guarantees on preventing a hard border with the Republic of Ireland and any new customs operations. Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1 Polly Streaming.